God does not need our worship (Acts 17:24-25) but He does seek it as an expression of our love and communion with Him (John 4:23-24). Our “worship” doesn’t enhance Him and our lack of worship doesn’t take anything away from Him. God doesn’t need us, we need God. And what does God promise to do as we wait for him? Who do you believe the most? That means he alone has true freedom. The DEFINITIVE Guide To Choosing (2019 Edition), The Best Books On Prayer Every Christian Should Read, When You Feel Discouraged Over A Lack Of Fruit, Remember This…, 3 More Reasons To Think Twice Before Badmouthing The President, 12 LIFE GIVING Bible Verses To Conquer Depression and Hopelessness, 19 PROFOUND Reasons We Should Give Thanks To The Lord, 20 Rock Solid Reasons You Can Trust God Today, 23 POWERFUL Ways To Humble Yourself And Be Blessed, 5 Staggering Ways My Identity In Christ Changes Everything, BANISH Fear: 13 Bible Verses About Fear To Fill You With Peace, Can You Lose Your Salvation? Worship is bowing before our superior, in this case, God. God’s Promises. What is Wrong with the Church? Now if by worship you mean focus I could understand, but somehow I do not think most who worship think of it as strictly a focus. In my conception a God who is perfect neither needs nor requires our worship. There is no lack in him. There is an erroneous idea today that the main reason we attend worship is to "get something out of the service", rather than going there to give our worship to God. When we see a sunset or the Grand Canyon we can’t help but say, “Wow that is so beautiful.” When we watch an athlete make a fantastic play we have to cheer. Awesome! When we come to Jesus, our heart-hungers will be satisfied (John 6:35). However, religious freedom should not be confused with the idea that we can worship God according to the dictates of our imagination. For if we owe our lives to him, if we owe our existence, the existence of the universe, if we owe everything he deserves everything in return. or goats from your folds. Singing should not be the primary category. Yet what is worship? for the world and its fullness are mine. Some people object that worship is degrading and therefore God shouldn't require it. What do I value more than family? Change ). The LORD is an all-sufficient God. your burnt offerings are continually before me. For example, I highly value guitars. What one thing would you like to see changed in the American Church. God deserves our worship, and we are wise to entrust our lives and our worship to Him. He promises that . Today, God does not dwell in a building, He dwells in our hearts. God made worship good and beneficial for us, from both a worldly and spiritual perspective. :), Blogging Tips 101: How To Be A Better Blogger. And we evaluate the effectiveness of worship by how it makes us feel. It is interesting that the Greek word for “worship” in Romans 12:1 can also mean “service.” Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Worship leaders and pastors then create environments that help a community to become aware of His presence (well-curated worship environments can beautifully facilitate this), and to engage with Him as the already-active God who is near and can be perceived. God does not need our praise as He is self-sufficient. I can help……. You nonetheless provided an excellent answer to it, not even having seen the question. His focus on Himself is not only because He is God, but because, out of love, that is what we need. He’s the boss, the ruler, and the Lord of all things. God wants our hearts! I will argue in that future post that teaching the church that worship is primarily a song is actually hurting the church. He wants nothing but our ever-increasing joy and delight in glory. It is not based on my personal preferences or priorities. I usually point that out when people say God doesn’t care how we worship. Worship can help remind us about God’s sovereignty, even when we feel as though all the light has disappeared from the world. We all worship someone or something, even if it is ourselves! Does God need us? Lesson 3. You have inadvertently and unintentionally sparked a new post here at Not For Itching Ears. He does not respect us for attending, if we have not first given our heart to Him, knowing He is the One, who alone provides us with salvation. God is not demanding that we love Him so that we can meet the needs of His psychological profile this week. God, in his mercy, created us to become like him. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. For our benefit! I indeed believe there is a God. When he commands us to sing or pray or love our enemies, it is for our benefit. So he gives us worship, not because he needs it, but that we might have more and more pleasure in him. God is usually conceived of as being omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all-present) and omnibenevolent (all-good) as well as having an eternal and necessary existence.God is most often held to be incorporeal (immaterial). If God’s children are not willing to pray and intercede, then much of what God wants to accomplish will not be accomplished. A church building is not needed for us to meet or worship God, nor is it needed for the center of the life of the church. | Christianity 201, Does God Care About Our Doctrinal Disagreements? He is completely self-sufficient. God has no needs. Third, God is the Father of His unique Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. This post of yours would be my answer. (8-13). the cattle on a thousand hills. 2. No. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. | Christianity 201, Pingback: Does God Care About Our Doctrinal Disagreements? But, amazingly, He loves us passionately, and in His goodness He wants us to live with Him forever. So what did God tell Israel to do to please him? What I thought had happened was that you asked the question rhetorically, while you had ideas in your mind to answer the question. Can’t wait for the article I sparked. You'll be directed to the free books download page. We worship God because—through God’s wisdom and mercy—He created us that way. Put another way, God doesn’t need our worship. 2. We enjoy the of glory of nature, amazing athletic feats, delicious food, great movies, and a thousand other blessings, and we increase our enjoyment when we express it. And, all too often, what we call worship is not really worship at all. When we seek him with all our hearts, we will find him (Jeremiah 29:13). Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Apparently Not! The fact that God does not need our worship does not contradict with that it is humans final goal. Turns out you didn’t ask it. We mortify the selfish misdeeds of the body, not because our sin blocks God's love for us, but because our sin blocks our love for others. Ultimate Guide: 50 BEST Christian Books Every Christian Should Read, Best Study Bible? I think it was you who asked me on my blog about why God asked for sacrifices if he didn’t need them. There is an outcome of worship: Attaining the degree of guarding (taqwa). At the back of this narcissist God claim is the idea that somehow God needs our praise, our approval, our gratitude and our glory to shore up his fragile ego and help his self-development. The gist of it is that the contemporary worship movement has so influenced the church that now we primarily define worship as a song. So You Want To Change the World…. There is no “need” that God has which must be satisfied. That’s how much our worship of God adds to God. Worship is not about what we get but what we give. It must be something else. According to a hadith, Allah said He was a hidden treasure and He wanted to be known. God does not have to have our worship, but we must worship Him to please Him. He doesn’t need our obedience or our money. Isaiah 40:28. God not only demands worship, but He has also given instructions about worship! And, all too often, what we call worship is not really worship at all. So, God does not need us. Our singing, praying, studying His word, giving, and communion are designed by God to bring us closer to Him and to cause us to think more like He thinks, thus becoming more like Him. Bookmark the permalink. Does God need our worship? Is Worship A Life Well Lived or A Song Well Sung? I submit to you that God doesn’t need our worship; we need the worship we offer him. We need to feel that we have a purpose, our purpose has to translate to something we do, not what we say or feel. He has no need, no lack, no deficit. If that is going to happen, then we must actively place him at the top of our Top Ten List of Things I Value The Most. Start Here! Worship is bowing before our superior, in this case, God. He gains nothing from our worship, and our lack of it takes nothing away from God. At the back of this narcissist God claim is the idea that somehow God needs our praise, our approval, our gratitude and our glory to shore up his fragile ego and help his self-development. – mosaad Sep 2 '14 at 12:54. add a comment | 10 Answers Active Oldest Votes-1. God does not need our praise as He is self-sufficient. Save the Date: National Facebook Re-Friend Day Set for February 14th, Are Your Facebook Posts becoming TOO political? 11 Worship Songs About God. Therefore, anyone who does not worship God and Him only is by default worshipping something other and lesser than He is. That implies that there is something lacking or missing, or not full within the Godhead. Who do you believe the most? . Isn’t God good? God does not accept all religions. Worship … When we press on to know the Lord, he will come to us like spring rain (Hosea 6:3). I’ll rescue you again and you will glorify me again by thanking me. Matthew 7:21-23. So if you hear and see yourself glorifying and uplifting God, it helps changing your conception of God: He in your eyes becomes even more worthy of praise. Whatever the answer to that questions is, I may value something even more than that. I would have commented anyway because I got a question one day, and you wrote an answer to that question–without seeing the question–the very next day. I think anything we do, think, or say that pleases the Lord is worshipping Him. We must continually renew our minds to the Word of God by spending time studying every day (Romans 12:2). But now I’m probably being too microscopic! What God does tell us to do is to love him ( Mt 22:35-40 ). You'll also get great deals on books, access to massive giveaways, and much more. In fact God doesn’t need anything from us: our money, our time, our dedication, our service. He would not get nervous or angry if people don't respect him, if his work is unfinished and they have good reasons to be disappointed. 24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. Yet, men often view God as being frustrated and should be pitied because not enough people will serve or give to Him resulting in His plans failing. You are so right with this post. or drink the blood of goats? In fact God doesn’t need anything from us: our money, our time, our dedication, our service. God could care less if we have the latest sound system and the best worship teams if we do not come to worship Him from our hearts. We need to fill our minds constantly with the things of God; God should always be on our mind, and everything we do should be done with reference to Him (Colossians 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31). As a result, He created the universe. (Philippians 2:6 … God hates hypocrisy and insincere worship (Hos 6:6, Is 1:11-17). What we call worship is all too often entertainment. Worship is the key to knowing Allah. He does not need our worship, our money, our time, our obedience, He needs nothing from us. That’s how much our worship of God adds to God. It requires a personal revelation of God as found in the Scriptures. But I value my wife and children more. Psalm 115:3-11 addresses this: But our God is in heaven; He does … God’s command for us to worship him isn’t egotistical, it isn’t done out of proud, it is done because if we grasp the fact that God is creator it becomes blindingly obvious that we need to worship God. and call upon me in the day of trouble; I can keep going up the ladder of importance until I finally reach that one thing  I esteem more than anything or anyone else. God wants our love, worship, and praise not because God needs anything from us, but because when we focus our hearts and minds on God instead of on ourselves, we open ourselves up to new love, light, and power from God. He gains nothing from our worship, and our lack of it takes nothing away from God. We worship because He gives life and gives it abundantly in Christ Jesus. Listen to what James says: Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. I wouldn’t disagree with you on that. On a side note, that is one of the reasons I am so passionate and often critical about corporate worship. Worshipping God 6 Lessons by Rob Harbison Importance Of Worship “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go into the house of the Lord’” (Psalm 122:1) I know all the birds of the hills, But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. A. Jesus said that we can identify those who worship God in the right way. →, Why Does God Require Our Worship? Therefore, God does not need us to worship Him at all. I’ve been arguing it in my mind for several months now! And as a bonus, I'll give you FIVE FREE BOOKS as soon as you sign up. To tell him he’s good enough, smart enough and doggone it, people like him? I’m a pastor at Saving Grace Church in Indiana, PA. I’m married to Kristi, have 5 kids, and a growing number of grandkids. That is a question many have asked over the years. Jesus receives worship in the gospels, indicating he’s God. Turn about is fair play. Apparently Not! And when we express our admiration of a Van Gogh or Hanz Zimmer soundtrack or say how delicious a steak is, it adds nothing to the painting or soundtrack or steak but increases our enjoyment of it. But a good God might want fellowship. That is why he is described as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End (see Revelation 1:8, 21:6, 22:13). It increases our joy and delight in him. Just enter your email below! We begin to feel the emotions of the imagined experience as being real, but spiritually we experience an exchange of life. It is a cycle – the more we worship, the more we know Him, and the more we know Him, the more we are inclined to worship Him. God didn’t need their sacrifices. Not all religions do God’s will. Pingback: Why Does God Require Our Worship? I think that is why God demands our devotion. Is it because he loves to hear the sound of his own name on the lips of his adoring fans? Even if you want to discuss God from the general philosophical point of view of God being the sum of all perfections, that leaves no room for a … When we thank and praise him it blesses us! Matthew 7:16, 17. 1. As a result, He created the universe. That doesn’t sound like something I would say. Good News Translation But even if he doesn't, Your Majesty may be sure that we will not worship your god, and we will not bow down to the gold statue that you have set up." So if you hear and see yourself glorifying and uplifting God, it helps changing your conception of God: He in your eyes becomes even more worthy of praise. Isaiah 29:13 says, “The Lord says, ‘These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. As I express back to Him the truth of who He is and who I am because I’m in Jesus, my sense of identity changes. But I want to add another glitch to the discussion: We do need to glorify and honor Him. Sufis Perspective. Thanks for sharing and blessings to you. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This is far from the case for the God who has existed in perfect community, Father, Son and Spirit from eternity. (Exodus 20:3-11; 2 Kings 17:15; Psalm 47:2; Malachi 1:14; Luke 4:8) God considers willful deviation from His instructions as rebellion. A … Yourself. There is no other thing or being more worthy of our ultimate devotion than Him. He had no needs, but He gave. If there were, it would mean that God was insufficient in and of himself. I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” (14-15). And this is true even when it comes to our service of him. – mosaad Sep 2 '14 at 12:54. add a comment | 10 Answers Active Oldest Votes-1. Do what it says. The God who does all things well does not need man’s help. Posted on June 1, 2014, in Christianity, Theology, Worship and tagged christianity, cross-centered worship, devotions, El cristianismo, entertainment, faith, family, God, inspiration, leadership, Life, news, Not For itching Ears, Passion of the Christ, religion, singing, spirituality, worship, Worship Leading. Your words are the ones that finally pushed me to write the article. The title of this message is, “God Doesn’t Need Our Worship.” I. WORSHIP IS NOT FOR GOD’S SAKE. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The DEFINITIVE Answer From Scripture, His Mercies Are NEW Every Morning (and here’s how to see them), Prayer For Anxiety: 5 Ways To Pray When Life Is Overwhelming, Prayer For Favor: Asking For and RECEIVING God's Richest Blessings, Spiritual Disciplines: Ultimate Guide (2019), The Power of Prayer: Sacred, Overwhelming, Staggering, The SURPRISE Meaning Of Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged (2019 Edition), The SURPRISE Way To Have Peace That Passes All Understanding, Ultimate Guide: The 50 Best Books Every Christian Should Read. I would not tell you, for the article God exists or not majesty and of. “ need ” that God needed the sacrifices, but he has also given instructions about worship until finally. On a side note, that is one of us to live the we... Thing I esteem more than that be known he commands us to reflect on the desire honor! Defines us, or not full within the Godhead because he is the Father enjoyed absolute perfect contentment one! 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