* are all immutable I?ve seen alot of code based on Arrays which perform well, but are mutable. Scala vs Clojure Raw. This blog covers how two implementations of a news feed service compare in terms of performance. One way to do this, would look like this: We are still concise on both parts. So there are certainly big differences between these 2 languages. Search for jobs related to Scala vs clojure or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 19m+ jobs. will blow the stack. Although the collections in scala. Clojure. They are both pretty good. Everyone knows what Halloween is and how children love it. In the question "What are the best server side programming languages?" Children in costumes travel from house to house asking for treats with a phrase "Trick or treat". I would personally hate to have to specify types for all my functions while prototyping. ], third element being ?144.123? Finally I print the result of applying + to all elements (meaning to take the sum) and dividing by the number of elements, which is the average. clojure - tutorial - scala . With the Oracle deal, and some discussions about the slow Java 7 release, it looks like Java is detoriating faster not slower. Maybe I missed them, or they've sprung up > since I moved over to clojure last summer, but I've not seen a lot of > scala libraries floating around. Scala Vs Clojure Round 2 - Concurrency The time for ignoring concurrency has almost passed. In practice this means that when I do this in Clojure. I suppose it?s not criminally bad that a development build is broken, but it just doesn?t happen with Clojure. Embed . Here, in this article, I’m going to paint a picture of ‘What’s what’ scenario to help you make a smart and profitable decision of switching from Java to other JVM language on yourself. Record the start-time, compute the body, subtract now from start-time. Clojure vs Scala, Dynamic vs Static Typing. The next night when I logged on another said ?Hmm, the build looks broken?? Problem.md Treat or Trick. What is the fan out for the social broadcast on that load test application? 1. I was able to get higher throughput from the Clojure service but at the cost of running the service at 97% CPU utilization. Don’t get me wrong. That?s how most Lisp code looks. ?complex systems. Efficiency isn’t always the driving concern and there are many situations where that Scala performance would be good enough. Quickly allows you to get practical work done. Now you?ve seen a bit of Scala and I hope you?re intrigued like I was when I first stumbled upon it. So it has it?s place, I must say. However! Redis had just under 100 operations per second and a hit ratio just over 80%. There is a time-macro in core and it looks something like this: So thats very simple. This recurses like so. Clojure is functional and pure, it protects you. Beyond the obvious head start that Scala had over Clojure, the simple fact is that Scala is similar enough to Java that it is easy to pick up, and can be used as a “better Java”. I don’t know. Scala guy here. Table of Content. On the recommendation of a Scala community member, I?ll consider doing a post only looking at Actors Vs STM. But before we do, please notice how readable the above code is. Thats factorial in a mathematical sense, now lets code it.Below is a factorial written pretty much as you would explain the steps to a friend, very clear and simple. I looked at Play. Not so with Scala. There is some more discussion of Scala vs. Clojure. It can get work done even faster than Java. 2. Well as I said Clojure wins big points with macros by controlling evaluation and elegantly build DSLs, greatly speeding up the entire work process. Martin Odersky, says what he likes about OOP is that it makes it easy to. So the result is correct, but due to us building up the stack, calculating 3600! Scala vs Clojure: Performance (Speed) Scala is fast. So my knowledge of Scala is lacking. Does this mean that you would always recommend Clojure over Scala? In the current situation, it?s not a big problem since we?re passing 1 function, it would have been another story if we we?re passing an entire body of code. All I am doing in this comparison is looking at the performance of the outbound post calls. After that, they divide the treats equally among all. A series of computations are lined up but are never performed ? You cover the MySql performance but not the Cassandra or Redis performance. With concurrency the key is really correctness, which the STM provides in abundance. This begs the question: is there anything wrong with Java?Well, certainly Java did a lot of things right. This is different than micro-service development where the server side code generates JSON (or XML) that is parsed by client side code coming from an entirely separate code base. Scala has a different approach to concurrency than Clojure and although my preference is clear, that doesn?t make Scala?s way wrong or inferior. and I?ll be honest: No, I haven?t. I have a lot of experience with Clojure, as CircleCI was almost all Clojure. ?Elapsed time: 165.0000 msecs? A: That all depends. This year, they collected tons of candies, and need your help to share everything equally. Yes, Scala has Static typing but this is coupled with type inference. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Some of the most “basic” elements in one language might be missing from another one. Scala vs Clojure At dev8d last week I was keen to go to the Scala dojo. Clojure - Dynamic Lisp Like Language for the JVM that doesn't feel as cumbersome as Common Lisp and gives you the power of existing JVM applications. We don?t want to loose this as we move on. Features wie die STM-Unterstützung bieten eine der besten sofort verfügbaren Nebenläufigkeits-Unterstützung, während Scala eine Bibliothek von Drittanbietern wie … Since nobody seems to be in regular contact with Martin Odersky, no immediate action was/could-be taken. This had led to several examples I?ve come across where people have put in abundance of code on one line, killing clarity: I realize though, that to bring this up as a complaint is almost a compliment. In order to simulate the effect, I must pass my function as a parameter to a profiler. To me, it looks more appropriate for building web applications where the server side Scala generates the HTML intended to be rendered by web browsers. Suits would surely be case objects rather than classes, or I'd be tempted to just use a Java enum (Scala could really do with an equivalent). In a business setting, what would I use? So discussions about Java succession increase. As you can see, they're effectively the same program. Through the rest of this post, keep in mind that some of the differences shouldn?t be viewed as a wrong/right discussion. I didn?t want to be presumptuous, so I requested the help of the Scala community in doing this benchmark. Scala - A pure-bred object-oriented language that runs on the JVM Groovy - A dynamic language for the Java platform. When I look at both of them, these are the things that come to mind. I ask the Scala REPL to calculate 2 + 2, I don?t specify that these are of type Integer. In practice you need to specify types in your function definitions and return types (update: As RSchulz correctly points out the Scala compiler checks exit points and infers return types), but throughout most of your logic Scala will be able to discern which types you?re dealing with. Not so with Scala. Welche der beiden Sprachen ist in der Regel schneller? The higher latency of the Clojure service may not meet your required SLA. 1. Although it?s worth noting that Scalas ?Range? ?Time:? That means when my function gets 1 argument, it automatically passes another argument to itself to get the accumulator. Scala is awesome, Clojure is awesome. ?msecs? It?s not the nicest way, but it works. This is an entirely superficial comparison. The Actor model they looted from Erlang is far from bad, but it was invented only with distributed systems in mind and carries some troubling concerns in terms of correctness. Sure. (at the time of writing this, it just got fixed I think). If you want to mutate transients for example and one of those is accessed from an outside thread, you get an exception. In this blog, I compare those same micro-services in terms of performance under load in AWS. Wird Clojure kompiliert oder interpretiert? While there I translated the fractal tree program from Clojure to Scala. I believe this point standing alone is a good argument that Clojure will consistently produce more solid code than Scala, being more functional. Clojure gets to show off a unique feature which is arity-based dispatching. I guess I should make some sort of statement as to which is better. Before hearing the Scala community I considered this to be a fundamental weakness in Scala, that you have to submit to it?s type system. ?144.123? For one because I feel it?s unnecessary, and second I want some of my functions to work with a multitude of types. Except for the very confusing fact, that Range in Scala is specifically implemented as lazy. So there you have 2 versions, doing the exact same thing. What software did you use in your analysis? A comparison of Clojure and Scala for implementing a web API. Es gibt ein paar Überlegungen, die ich nicht vollständig erklärt habe, wenn es darum geht, Clojure mit Scala … Copyright © 2021 Glenn Engstrand. Clojure vs Scala for High Performance Web API. Clojure wins because: Scala. But it does the very same thing. I was pleasantly surprised to learn, that many Scala programmers actually cherish this system. Being run outside Emacs, Scala weighs in at: So in this small example they are 2 msecs apart, leading me to believe they compile almost exactly the same bytecode. Where can I learn more about the internals of the news feed service itself? It doesn’t matter if you’re developing in Java, Scala or any other JVM languages, there’s always something new to learn about from other JVM languages. Here is an example. etc. I was supervising a new team of developers some time ago and was considering introducing Clojure as their primary tool. Why? If I remove the Await.result(f) line from the handler for the outbound post (because the load test application doesn’t depend on the response of that operation) and use only one test machine (because there appears to be retrograde scalability in the Scala feed), then you get comparable throughput with the Clojure service at about a third of the latency. Ist es wirklich wie Java oder Scala kompiliert und nicht wie Jython oder JRuby interpretiert? Neither brings anything revolutionary to their respective type system … Finally ? If your team is not able to adobt and fully appreciate Clojure in all it?s aspects I would not hesitate a moment in recommending Scala. While Clojure is robust, practical, and fast, measuring the speed of code can be quite tricky in Clojure, since many components are involved in the program. For the Finatra web service, you schedule the I/O bound tasks in a separate thread pool but then you wait for the tasks to complete before returning the result. The Finatra documentation says that controllers can return either the response or a Future of the response. A list of the top differences between Java, Scala, Groovy, Clojure and Kotlin. TL;DL; Intro; Goals; Building Web API. One of the things I?ve always loved about Lisp is the awesome velocity you work with. Does this mean that you would always recommend Clojure over Scala? However, we spent a whole lot of time with dealing accidental complexity, specifically "what type is this field" and nulls all over the place. Es gibt ein paar Überlegungen, die ich nicht vollständig erklärt habe, wenn es darum geht, Clojure mit Scala zu vergleichen: 1.) Scala on the other hand uses both expressions and statements in a very big way. Clojure - A dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine. Run that same curl call when the service returns the future and you get something like Promise@1847747152(state=Interruptible(List(),)) instead. All gists Back to GitHub. Scala is similar to Java while Clojure has no similarity with any language. In the question“What is the best programming language to learn first?” Clojure is ranked 20th while Scala is ranked 23rd. Not wanting to look bad, we need to fix this and manually handle our stack. Here are some answers to questions about the document below. Since my most popular blog post, by far, is my Racket vs Clojure post from three years ago, I thought it would be good to post my response here.Ten years ago, I would have said that my ideal dream language is one that provides the flexibility to program in any style. and this goes on and on. Finally, Clojure does lazy evaluation per default, Scala evaluates strictly. Scala does not in anyway discourage it?s users from side-effects and mutable code. (2) Ich habe irgendwo gelesen, dass Clojure zusammengestellt ist. java - gui - clojure vs scala . If I take out the first 5 items of that LazySeq then those 5 items gets computed, nothing else: That?s lazy! It will take you miles and miles beyond where you can go using C/C++/Java/Perl etc. You mentioned learning about Ring in an O’Reilly book on Clojure. Why not Clojure/Haskell/Scala? That?ll give us real computations (and not just cached results) and it will also put us through a round of garbage collection. Clojure vs Scala Last week, someone posted a question on the Clojure group asking for a comparison between Clojure and Scala. Obviously, this is also very concise and as with Clojure, you get a lot of mileage on a few lines of code! Scala Vs Clojure – Let's get down to business (bestinclass.dk) 58 points by fogus on Oct 20, 2009 | hide | past | web | favorite | 20 comments: shrughes on Oct 20, 2009. I?ve drawn up this table, which compares Scala and Clojure, feature for feature, pound for pound. Values are mutated, nested while-loops, the works. Output is like so: Alright, for the purpose of my little benchmark this is not optimal because I need to work with the number (ie. calculate an average) and not have them printed, but fortunately with-out-str rebinds *out* for me, so benchmarking is actually very straightfoward: Now for Scala. Lisp isn?t for everybody and the sooner you reach that conclusion, the better. The Carton Theme by bavotasan.com. When the code returns the Future, the response is just a promise ID and not the expected serialized JSON. This is because Scala supports Tail Call Recursion technique, which optimizes Scala code to the compiler. It?s a very welcomed addition on the scene of JVM languages. Both of them have that in common that these implementations are not idiomatic for either language. I now believe that thread affinity is a good thing. I remember working with a huge company once who had all their data in a SAP application. I guess the safety vs brevity question is most salient. Static vs dynamic typing. There is none of "this is how the language affects how you design your software" and there is plenty of "oh, here's a quicksort, big and scary. Embed Embed this gist in your website. Zur Performance und Java Interoperabilität: Clojure vs. Scala Ich habe bereits verschiedene Berichte von Clojure gegen Scala gelesen und während ich merke, dass beide ihren Platz haben. I sent it back and it took them days to reach the same results. Now for Clojure we still have code which looks like our original function, but Scala has changed a bit. Scala: Adorned Overflowing Magnificent Clojure: Clean Structured Focused Clojure has a zen-like quality to it. Take the first from that sequence (that'll be one), It?s born of simulation, but now used everywhere for no good reason, It?s got mutability principles baked into it. Anyone with some basic code skills can look at that and see whats going on. I thought that Jetty started using NIO so doesn’t mean that Jetty no longer requires thread affinity per request? This blog is comparing Scala to Clojure when it comes to coding micro-services. I have used both and used Clojure way more. Clojure is the businessmans best friend. Both are breaking new ground in Software Development. I’ve discussed Scala vs. Clojure here, here and here. This gives a little overhead on each item, but depending on your design you win big by doing less work. From the document below, it looks like Clojure is the winner. Scala; TL;DR. Scala & Clojure run on the JVM and compete for a replacement for Java. Clojure . ?Elapsed time: 144.1234 msecs? In the process of our project we had to run through several hundreds of thousands of lines of data from them. It comes back with the first result of the day (res0) and says: Its an Int! A second thing to notice is that Clojure has explicitly rejected the OOP approach to programming, because, Scala has done quite the opposite, they?ve wholeheartedly embraced OOP making everything objects. Nothing is computed! Both will get you along way with concurrent programming, I can?t say for now who will go the distance, but I give the STM the best odds. Secondly it was decided that ?;? Secondly this excerise mostly served the point of seeing how short the distance from the idea of doing a benchmark to getting the actual results was. (Note: I could be completely off). This is baaaaaaaaaad. Groovy - A dynamic language for the Java platform. Star 0 Fork 0; Code Revisions 19. Clojure is functional and pure, it protects you. Scala is not as straight forward as Clojure in this regard, because it doesn?t have macros. When I first entered #scala someone said ?Martin broke the build again??. Clojure vs Haskell: What are the differences? The split will be an array like [?Elapsed? I think he has a point in saying that complex systems are easy to extend when built on OOP, I?ll make the argument though that the complexity which comes from an OOP approach makes the building of the system unecessarily difficult. Dies ist eine Clojure-Bibliothek, die eine funktionale Abstraktion über JavaFX bietet. To get back to the business of manipulating sequences, I?ll show you both of these implemented as idiomatic one-liners that don?t blow the stack: Alright, so we?ve written code which earns us the envy of the world but how does it perform? Was ist der beste Weg, um GUIs in Clojure zu machen? One guy asked me ?Havent you ever passed arguments in the wrong order and expected a different return than what you got ?? > > - clojure's community is, in general, more friendly, more helpful. isn?t Lazy where Clojure?s sequence is, in theory that should have had a very bad effect on our performance, but it seems to be able to hold it?s own. Last active Dec 8, 2017. The thing to notice is how much this looks like a C or Java implementation of that very same routine. It was an evolutionary language, rather than a revolutionary one. I think because it?s a unnecessary ceremony ? Skip to content. That makes it relatively easy to get it into Java shops and easy to cross-train Java developers. In my next blog, I will share the outcome when comparing performance metrics for the Scala micro-service running with MySql, running with PostGreSql, and running both with and without Docker. Firstly, microbenchmarking is an art in itself, and often times a pointless one, so don?t read more into the results than you should! For Cassandra, read latency was under 0.2 ms and write latency was an order of magnitude less. but instead could be sprinkled throughout the code. The syntax of Clojure is entirely different and is similar to lisp and hence users find it difficult to follow it. Scala is functional in the broadest sense of the word: It has immutable constructs. Outright moving away from a functional approach into an imperative style is not something you would see in Clojure. Lastly, not having an STM, I think Scala programmers are headed for trouble, but only time will tell. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Der Gewinner ist der die beste Sicht zu Google hat. Scala uses an Erlang inspired … An example written by Martin Odersky (author of Scala): This is one way to implement a Quick Sort routine in Scala ? Sign in Sign up Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. I was able to get higher throughput from the Clojure service but at the cost of running the service at 97% CPU utilization. If you read my last post you’ll know that I’m looking at Scala Vs Clojure and a big part of both of these languages is their support for concurrency. Within minutes after receiving their data I had written an analyzer which outputted the flaws in their data. In my last blog, I compared Clojure to Scala when it came to coding micro-services. There are a few things which I don?t like. The most important reason people chose Clojure is: doubles gets assigned the result of casting the 3rd element of splitting each string up on spaces. On paper, they stack fairly well against each other, so let?s investigate how well they are suited for business. Clojure zu machen cover the MySql performance but not the nicest way, but also give them something.... Auf dieser Liste von Timothy Baldridge ( halgiri ) gesehen 2 Stichwörter une Tippen sie auf die Taste Fight code... Where you can see, they 're effectively the same results asked about a few lines code. Logged on another said? Martin broke the build looks broken?? programming language that targets the platform. Code based on Arrays which perform well, but it just got fixed I think Scala programmers headed. Affinity per request bad, we need to fix this, we add accumulator! Let ’ s focus on the JVM Groovy - a dynamic language for the very fact... 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